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Episode 290: COVID-19 Update with Olamide Jarrett

It's been a few months since I talked about Covid-19 itself and this was a fantastic guest. Olamide Jarrett is Associate Professor of Medicine and Infectious Disease at The University of Illinois Chicago. She has spent a career working studying STI’s in women and treating HIV patients. She only took one break from that to go to the front lines during the Ebola outbreak. If she is worried about getting Covid-19, it’s probably worth hearing why.

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Episode 287: Bees, Kim Franklin

Shane talks about bees with Arizona Research Conservation Scientist, Kim Franklin. Where does the Honey Bee rank among the 20,000+ species of bees. How do honey bees compete with Native North American bees and why are they important to agriculture.

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Episode 284: X + Perception = Threat, Colin Holbrook

Shane talks about perception and threat with Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Information Sciences at The University of California, Merced, Colin Holbrook. What other factors, besides size and strength, can impact our perception of threat.

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Episode 282: Forestry + Diversity (Pandemic Edition) Thomas Easley

Shane talks Forestry, the environment, diversity and change with the Assistant Dean of Community and Inclusion at The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,Thomas Easley. Thomas shares with Shane his path into Forestry Science and how he brought his outdoorsman skills to the city. What is "Hip Hop Forestry?" Has this quarantine time made us step back, slow down and rethink what we may have been missing and rethink how we intend to live the rest of our lives.

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Episode 281: Living in Biosphere 2, Dr. Mark Nelson

Shane finds out what life is like living in a Biosphere for 2 years. In this episode, he talks with Dr. Mark Nelson, who is a founding director of the Institute of Ecotechnics. Mark has also worked for several decades in closed ecological system research, ecological engineering, the restoration of damaged ecosystems, desert agriculture and orchardry and wastewater recycling…

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Episode 280: Women + Workload + Quarantine, Kristina Durante

Kristina Durante research lies at the intersection of social psychology, evolutionary biology, and consumer decision-making. Kristina’s research program focuses on how our evolved biology (ancestral ecology and internal physiological systems) and our modern social environment interact to influence behavior.

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Episode 279: Post-Corona Communication, Garriy Shteynberg

Shane talks with Professor of Psychology and University of Tennessee Knoxville, Garriy Shteynberg. Garriy explains that human beings communicate by establishing a collective perspective via referencing common knowledge. How has this collective perspective changed during this global pandemic and how might it change how we communicate in a Post-Corona Virus world.

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Episode 277: Change Climate Change, Katherine Hayhoe

How has pressing pause on humanity given us a new look at climate change? Is this a fire drill for worse things to come?

Is this a chance to help our ecosystem or a threat to the regulations protecting it?

Who thought of this idea of the carbon footprint in the first place? What would create a bigger impact, change at an individual level or at a policy level?

Admittedly, I don’t talk about climate science nearly enough on the show. So atmospheric scientist Katherine Hayhoe was like water in the desertification. So enlightening and important. It brings me great hope to know that people like Katherine are working on behalf of humanity.

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Episode 276: Herpes and Comedy, Raj Sivaraman

Raj Sivaraman is a comedian with a PHD in virology. He joins the show to talk about living in NYC right now, comedy, and virology.

Join us as we reminisce about the old days when we were all worried about herpes. Nothing like a pandemic to make one reprioritize. Sorry herpes! We overreacted.

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Episode 275: Scientific Couple Quarrels, Selin Malkoc + Joe Joseph Goodman

Return guests Selin Malkoc & Joe Goodman are my favorite couple in science. Every couple has disagreements, but these two marketing professors put their disagreements to the test for the good of us all.

In the past we have discussed topics like how to make the most of your vacation and when selfies do and don’t help wellbeing. I check back in to talk about what their research says about quarantine life.

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Episode 274: Sleeping in a Quarantine, Dr. Zlatan Krizan

Sleep researcher Zlatan Krizan shares his thoughts on how the quarantine is impacting people’s sleep. What might happen if more people stop using alarm clocks?

Let’s learn about sleep's impact on the immune system and what we can do to improve both.

Dr. Križan is a Professor of Psychology at Iowa State University and an affiliate of the Center for Study of Violence. He directs the Sleep, Self, and Personality Laboratory (SSPeL) that examines how sleep and personality intersect with social behavior and self-regulation.

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Episode 273: Shtick + Business Part 2, Peter McGraw

Shane finishes his conversation with Author, Podcaster, and Professor, Peter McGraw. They share open mic stories and strategies that apply to their experiences in the comedy world and the entertainment industry. What is "success?"

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Episode 272: Shtick + Business Part 1, Peter McGraw

Shane finishes his conversation with Author, Podcaster, and Professor, Peter McGraw. They share open mic stories and strategies that apply to their experiences in the comedy world and the entertainment industry. What is "success?"

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Episode 271: (Pandemic Edition) Guilty Pressures, Nidhi Agrawal

Nidhi Agrawal is a marketing superhero using her powers for the good of public health.

Why don't we think bad things can happen to us? Why do we assume that when bad things happen to others, it's their fault?

Can we guilt someone into making the right choices? When might that work? When might it backfire?

Nidhi Agrawal is a Professor of Marketing at the Foster School of Business at The University of Washington. Nidhi Agrawal | Foster School of Business

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Please note that we are currently in the process of migrating the full Here We Are episode archive from a previous platform. All episodes will be available on our website in the near future.