Episode 250: Origin Story + Archaea, Amy Schmid
Shane talks with Associate Professor of Biology Amy Schmid, about the nucleus free microorganism called Archaea. What is an "extremophile?" Are these free-living cells redrawing the tree of life and how do they compare to other domains of life like bacteria.
Episode 249: Genetics + Environment + Politics, Kevin B Smith
This week, Shane is joined by special guest host Sophia Rokhlin talking with Leland J. and Dorothy H. Olsen Chair of Political Science from The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Kevin B Smith. They dive deep into personality research and how genetics and environment influence political beliefs.
Episode 248: Disorder + Depression, Kristin Gainey
This week Shane talks about anxiety, depression, and how the holiday season can gaslight depression with Associate Professor of Psychology at The University of Buffalo, Kristin Gainey. Can awareness of our emotions help us manage depression and when someone asks us how we are doing, do we answer honestly and if not, should we?
Episode 247: Holiday Shopping + Gift Giving, Mary Steffel
This week Shane talks about holiday gift buying and gift giving with Assistant Professor of Marketing at The D’Amore Mc-Kim School of Business at Northeastern University, Mary Steffel. Is giving the gift of cash really a bad idea and what is the smartest approach to buy gifts without blowing your budget.
Episode 246: Visual Perception + Attention, Jeremy Wolfe
This week Shane talks about the human eye and visual perception with The Head of The Attention Lab at Bringham & Women's Hospital, Jeremy Wolfe. Do humans see in 3d and do our eyes perceive 100% of everything in our visual field?
Episode 245: Spiders + Spiders, Melissa Sadir
Shane talks in-depth about spiders with Collections Manager at the Sam Noble Museum at The University of Oklahoma, Melissa Sadir.
Episode 244: Empathy + Marketing, Nese Nasif
Shane talks about empathy and product marketing Vs service marketing with Professor of Marketing at The University of Wisconsin La Crosse, Nese Nasif. How does one communicate the value of intangible services to consumers? How is responsiveness, assurance, and empathy relevant to marketing?
Episode 243: Birds + Communication, Todd Freeberg
This week Shane talks about birds, songs, and communication with Associate Head of The Department of Psychology and Evolutionary Biology from The University of Tennessee, Todd Freeberg. Does an animal’s social environment have anything to do with how they communicate?
Episode 242: Biology + Epigenetics, Anne Galbraith
Shane talks about microbes, gut biomes, bacterial infections, and using baker's yeast to understand how to kill certain kinds of cells to fight with Biology Professor Anne Galbraith from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse.
Episode 241: Brains + Learning, Tesia Marshik
Shane talks with Associate Professor of Psychology at The University of Wisconsin La Crosse about learning how to learn and the mythology of learning styles. Is there really such thing as a "visual learner," and do studies suggest that students respond differently to different modes of sensory teaching. How can bias impact learning?
Episode 240: Animals + A.I., Lindsey Vansandt
This week Shane shares another amazing interview recorded at the Cincinnati zoo with Theriogenologist, Lindsey Vansandt. They discuss the other A.I. artificial insemination, electronic sperm collecting, and the science of sustaining genetic health and diversity of animals while managing their population.
Episode 239: Insects + Sleep, Barrett Klein
Shane finishes his deep discussion about Insects and talks about insect sleep. How important is it for bees and other colonized insects to sleep.
Episode 238: Insects + Food + Art, Barrett Klein
Shane tastes several insects and talks about entomology and culture with UW-L Assistant Professor of Biology, Animal Behaviorist and Entomologist, Barrett Klein.
Episode 237: Ayahuasca & Dreaming Plants, Sophia Rokhlin
Comedian, psychonaut, and science advocate Shane Mauss talks about experiencing Ayahuasca with the Co-Author of “When Plants Dream” Sophia Rokhlin. Does this plant-brew help people and do you need a balance of vulnerability and courage to dive into the unknown and experience it.
Episode 236: Brands + Social Behavior, Ryan Rahinel
This week Shane talks with Assistant Professor of Marketing at The University of Cincinnati, Ryan Rahinel. They get deep into brand marketing and how it motivates us and how brands affect how we live our lives.
Episode 235: Addiction + Broken Brains, Valerie Hardcastle
This week Shane talks about broken brains, behavior, and opiate addiction with Northern Kentucky University Vice President for Health Innovation and Saint Elizabeth Healthcare Executive Director of the Institute of Health Innovation, Valerie Hardcastle.
Episode 234: Emotion + Goals, Anthony Salerno
Shane talks about goals and self-regulation with Associate Professor of Marketing from The University of Cincinnati, Anthony Salerno. Should we list our accomplishments; what are the benefits and pitfalls of being aware of our pride? How do emotions and pride influence our behavior?
Episode 233: Elephants + Biology, Daniella Chusyd
Shane talks about elephant sociality and biology with Elephantologist and Postdoctoral Fellow at The School of Public Health from The University of Indiana Bloomington, Daniella Chusyd. What do elephants eat, what is elephant P.T.S.D.? How do elephants and humans interact and what can studying the cells of elephants tell us about cancer?
Episode 232: Ticks + Population, Joshua Benoit
Shane talks about Ticks & Mosquitoes with Assistant Professor of Biology from the University of Cincinnati, Joshua Benoit. Joshua researches Insect Molecular Physiology, Parasites, and Insect Population. How long have ticks been around and what can their behavior tell us about disease and ecology.
Episode 231: Work + Meaningful + Happy, Kira Schabram
This week Comedian Shane Mauss talks about meaningful work with Assistant Professor of Management and Organization at The Foster School of Business at The University of Washington, Kira Schabram. What can we learn from The Patenting Paradox and professional “burnout.” What is a meaningful calling and does having a meaningful career always create happiness?
Please note that we are currently in the process of migrating the full Here We Are episode archive from a previous platform. All episodes will be available on our website in the near future.