Bite Size Science
Episode 150: Death + Telepathy, Katherine MacLean
Psilocybin Mushroom researcher, explorer, psychedelic facilitator and PhD Katherine MacLean talks with Shane about death, telepathy, and their shared experiences at mushroom retreats.
Episode 149: Is Intersectionality a Religion?, Peter Boghossian
Shane talks with author of "A Manual for Creating Atheists" creator of the Atheos App, and Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Portland State University Peter Boghossian. They discuss atheism, intersectionality, and the oppression matrix.
Episode 148: Evolution + Improvisation, Michael Garfield
Shane talks with Paleontologist-futurist Michael Garfield.
Episode 147: MDMA The Movie, Emanuel Sferios
In this special episode, Shane talks with founder of Dance Safe and director of MDMA The Movie Emanuel Sferios. Among many diverse topics like molly, harm reduction and ecstasy testing, they discuss using MDMA in a therapeutic setting. For more info, go to
Episode 146: MycoMeditations, Eric Osbourne
Shane and return guest ethnomycologist Eric Osborne from My Comeditations discuss their shared experiences with mushrooms, guided psychedelic retreats, and general psychedelic exploration.
Episode 145: Evolutionary Theory + Infanticide, Scott Calvert
Shane talks with evolutionary cultural anthropologist Scott Calvert.
Episode 144: Sex + Psychology, Khandis Blake
Shane talks with Evolutionary Social Psychologist at the University of New South Wales Sydney, Khandis Blake.
Episode 143: Aggression + Anger, Thomas Denson
Shane talks with Associate Professor of Social Psychology at University of New South Wales Sydney, Thomas Denson.
Episode 142: Mating + Conflict + Feminism, Rob Brooks
Shane talks with evolutionary biologist and author of the book 'Sex, Genes, & Rock 'N' Roll, Rob Brooks.
Episode 141: Brains + Mice + Mazes, Shuhan He
Shane talks with attending physician in the Emergency Department at Massachusetts General Hospital, Shuhan He.
Episode 140: Psychedelics + Soap, David Bronner
Shane talks with David Bronner, an American corporate executive and activist. As the top executive at Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, he has become known for his activism around a range of issues, especially fair trade, sustainable agriculture, animal rights, and drug policy reform.
Episode 139: Suicide + Bargaining, Kristen Syme
Shane talks with evolutionary anthropologist Kristen Syme.
Episode 138: Art + Philosophy, Ramin Nazer
Shane talks with comedian and artist Ramin Nazer. Ramin is the host of the Rainbow Brainskull Hour.
Episode 135: Addiction + Evolution, Ed Hagen
Shane talks with Ed Hagen, an American biological anthropologist and professor in the Department of Anthropology at Washington State University Vancouver.
Episode 134: Noggins + Networking, Bill Griesar
Shane talks with Adjunct Instructor of Behavioral Neuroscience at OHSU Bill Griesar.
Episode 133: Language + Information Systems, Aaron Clauset
Shane talks with professor of Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder Aaron Clauset.
Episode 132: Mental Health, Kateri McRae
Shane talks with Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Denver, Kateri McRae
Episode 131: Illusion of Explanatory Depth, Philip Fernbach
Shane talks with author of "The Knowledge Illusion", Philip Fernbach.
Episode 130: MAPS (Live from Asheville)
Shane talks with Michael and Annie Mithoefer live in Asheville.
Please note that we are currently in the process of migrating the full Here We Are episode archive from a previous platform. All episodes will be available on our website in the near future.